Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wild Women Do and They Don't Regret It Wednesday

He says: Ain't I big? Don't you want to dance with me?
She says: Hmmm. I guess. It is hump day, ahem, I mean wild Wednesday, and they say wild women do, and they don't regret it.
I had a serious case of "dragon ass" this morning. That is, I was dragging my ass around drinking coffee trying to wake up to no avail. And, this afternoon I should be tending to the laundry and the inside of my house wile the boys nap. But, I am not.
I am blogging.
Wild women do and they don't regret it...
So this morning. In my dragon ass state, I was hanging around the kitchen, avoiding the sunscreen and bug spray ritual I guess, and I finally got up the gumption to cut into the pineapples.
Alright. I'm going to admit this wild girl woman has never once cut open a pineapple on her own.
Ahem. I really never knew I liked pineapple until I was pregnant and my mom popped open a fresh one and I stood over the kitchen sink and gobbled the whole thing. I had a pretty big appetite with the second kid--it scared my family members...but, wild women do and they don't regret it.
One was just right, and the other one one was rotten so it was designated chicken fodder.
So, the trick to a pineapple is not how you slice it. It is about how ripe it is. So, now I think I know all about pineapples. And the rotten one was not wasted. Wild women do and they don't regret it.
Then, I was invited to help with some business of diverting the rage of water by my man before the third cup of coffee kicked in. Outside, it is obvious the snow has started to melt of the mountains. The sound of rushing water can be heard not too far off in the distance, and just about every place you walk is squishy.
Winter, ahem spring, is over and summer is here. The choke cherry blossoms were in full glory and the wild snap dragons popped against the green backdrop. And, there was no time to take pictures.
Ever since it peaked 75 degrees there is just too much business to tend to. So, I am beat up from my feet up. I have cuts and bug bites from all this time spent in the garden, yard and mowing...ahem I mean, generally existing outside the house, and as far away from the biggest laundry pile you can imagine, as I can get.
Wild women do and they don't regret it.
After the water business I was wet to my gizzard, so I went for a second set of clothes and mowed until I broke the mower. Ahem. I like to go off road. I am inside now, and past the vibrating hell that has been attached to may hands for two days. And, since my man fixed my mess, the wild woman is not regretting it. Ha. I have flexed my biceps twice and admired them! LOL.
Ah, and so we arrive at nap time, the holiest of times in my day.
Today I wore those boys out to the point they could barely carry themselves back to the house for lunch and dry clothes.
And a double nap is the most sacred types of naps that exist on my earth.
So, the wild woman does not regret it.
Can you tell which angel I would be if I were lucky enough to be an angel? Yes. The one with the crooked hailo praying extra hard! I pray this garden takes off and kicks some booty. I pray the laundry goddess does not take my outside privlidges away. And, I pray this awesome double nap lasts long enough for me to have a Pepsi and a smile all by myself.
I'm a wild woman and I won't regret it.
Have a wild Wednesday, y'all.
June 15, 2011

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