Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed

Posted on Friday, March 11, 2011 3:32 PM
After the business of this week, I was pretty well willing to drive off the map to dust it off. I only had to wish for wildness and adventure... It practically landed right on my lap.
First, a Bald Eagle landed. Obviously it was not feeling well since I was able to get so close to it for a photo. This morning the gorgeous guy was still hanging around. Hmmm. I called Nevada Division of Wildlife to let 'em know...
It was such a nice day that we decided to get a little fresh air and burn off some energy. We checked on Daddy, who is working on some fence...
We ran as fast as we could as far as we could...
We played Hide-and-Seek with a Horsey...
We watched them drink from the stream...
And played in the mud by the stream...
We ate a picnic lunch...
And enjoyed the scenery.
This afternoon Nevada Division of Wildlife came out and caught the Bald Eagle who was obviously not going to fly away on its own. The pretty bird will go to Spring Creek, near Elko, for rehab and recovery. It will be placed with a lady that the Division already knows and who specializes in such cases. 
Anyhow, while I was hanging around I managed to help Cory carry some barbed wire a few feet and he felt inclined to ask me if I wanted to go out for dinner tonight...
I would rather kick up my heels and dance the night away
or maybe howl at the moon, but,
Wild Nevadan HjB Rule #1: NEVER turn down a no-dish-night.
I think it will be the best way to end a wacky week and wild Nevadan kind of Friday. --HjB

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